Mum with kids holding a help sign

6 Ways to Improve Your Child's Temperament

Being a parent is an amazing experience.

As your child grows, you get to know more and more about them. You learn about their personality as it develops, you discover what they find funny and what upsets them almost as they discover it themselves. However, more than just passive observers, we parents play a significant part in the development of our child's nature.

As a parent, you play an important role in developing your child's temperament.

A positive temperament can result in a calm and happy child, while a negative temperament can make a child anxious and prone to tantrums.

A child's temperament is, of course, a mixture of nature and nurture. Partly inherited and partly a product of their surroundings.

We as parents can therefore only influence our children's temperament so much, but that can make the difference between a resilient, happy kid who is able to face any challenge or a kid that is often stopped by the many challenges they'll come across.

There are 6 simple things you can do to help develop a positive temperament in your child which we will discuss in this blog.

 Mother and daughter talking

Help Your Child Adapt To Situations

One of the secrets to bringing up good-natured children is to help them get used to adapting to new situations. A child who copes well with change is more likely to have a positive temperament. They'll be better equipped to face what life throws at them with a calm manner and a level head.

Children are naturally happier when in predictable surroundings following a simple routine. Of course, they love surprises when the surprise is good, but generally thrive when they're in comfortable surroundings with familiar toys.

Safely exposing your child to new environments and encouraging them to try new things is a great way to help your child develop the skills to adapt to new situations. Just so long as the kid knows they're safe, and that a loved one is nearby and ready to help, then they're free to explore and push themselves.

It's important that you, as parents, are there to help your child with any big changes. Ensuring they understand that change can be positive and that they've not got anything to fear from the unknown. Being supportive is the first and best way that a parent can help a child learn to adapt to new things.

You can play a supportive role to your child in two easy ways. Firstly to speak with them about big changes. Helping them to express their feelings about change and letting them understand that change can be a force for good. Secondly a parent can become a role model – showing your child how you deal with change in a positive way.

 Mother doing art with daughter

Don't Focus Too Much on Right and Wrong

Try not to put too much emphasis on right and wrong.

A child who is always told they are doing things wrong is more likely to develop a negative temperament. Get your child to try different ways to achieve a task before stepping in and telling them how to do something. Have them focus on learning through trial and error (if safe). If told they're doing things wrong a lot, they may become anxious and stressed, feeling that they can never please you.

Of course, it's important for kids to learn about right and wrong. They need to know the consequences of their actions. However, try not to focus too much on this aspect. Look for the positives in what your child does rather than dwelling on any negatives.

Children are naturally curious and will often explore things that they're not supposed to. It's important to remember that this is how they learn about the world around them. As long as they're not putting themselves or anyone else in danger then let them explore. If they do make a mistake then simply help them to understand why it was wrong without being too critical.

 Mother play with daughter

The Role Of Play

Play plays an important role in a child's development. It helps them to learn new skills and to understand the world around them. Through play, children can develop their imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

When children are playing they are in a relaxed state which is when they learn best. This is because they're not under any pressure and can take their time to try things out and make mistakes without feeling like they're being judged.

It's important that parents provide their children with plenty of opportunities to play. Both alone and with other kids. Free play is particularly important as it allows kids to explore their own interests and to use their imaginations uninhibited.

This is where we come in! As a toy company, play is at the very heart of what we do at Meland. We've written countless words on toy recommendations for all sorts of kids, however for an easy couple of recommendations, here we go.

For the child who loves to quietly build, we recommend a Marble Run. The set will build forces and patience as the child works towards creating elaborate and expressive towers.

For the kid who loves to copy mommy or daddy, we think a toy cleaning set is great. Follow along with the house chores and learn reliance and good nature through enjoying a little bit of hard work!

Finally, for the kid who just needs to spread their wings, our gardening set is a brilliant way to keep little hands busy while the child is enjoying the outdoors.

Fresh air, green spaces, and a little bit of hard work is a fantastic way for a child to connect with nature while building their own good temperament.

 Kids play basketball

Playing Sports - Particularly in a Team

Playing sports is a great way for kids to stay active and healthy while also developing important life skills such as teamwork and cooperation. It's also a lot of fun and can help kids to make new friends.

Encouraging your child to play sports from a young age is a great way to help them develop a positive temperament. They will learn how to cope with both winning and losing, and they will also develop important social skills.

Even without a team to work with, simply practicing a new skill can be a great way for a child to develop patience and a good nature in the face of a challenge. Our basketball set is a brilliant way to develop a good natured kid - as well as a healthy one!

 Mother daughter cheer together

Being Your Child's Champion

All children need someone to believe in them. Someone who will encourage them and help them to reach their full potential. For many children, this person is their parent.

It's important to be there for your child, both emotionally and physically. Be available to listen to their problems and help them to find solutions. Help them to understand that they are capable of achieving anything they set their mind to. Be their biggest fan and watch them grow into a confident and successful adult.

Being your child's champion means being there for them when they need you and praising them when they do well. It also means letting them know that you believe in them even when they make mistakes. This will help them to develop a positive self-esteem which is essential for good mental health.

 Parents hold hands with kid

In an Uncertain World; Become Your Child's Constant

One of the most important things is to be consistent with your parenting. This doesn't mean that you can never change your mind or be flexible, but it does mean that your children should always know what to expect from you.

If they are unsure of what reaction they will get from you, they will become anxious and stressed, which can lead to tantrums and other negative behaviour.

It's important to be consistent in both your words and your actions. If you say you're going to do something, make sure you follow through. This will help your child to feel safe and secure, and it will also teach them the importance of reliability.


Developing a positive temperament in your child is essential for their future success in life. There are many things you can do to help your child to develop a good nature, including playing sports, being their biggest fan, and being consistent with your parenting. By teaching your child these important life skills, you will set them up for a bright future.